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Voy a intentar que el que entre se sienta como en casa. Soy profesora de inglés en Córdoba, con una experiencia de más de 15 años en la enseñanza del inglés como segunda lengua y desde ya quiero haceros partícipes de todo lo que sé, compartir mi experiencia y aprender de todos. Gracias de antemano a todos los que me ayuden a conseguirlo. No dejeis de visitar mi web:

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

Errores Selectividad

Aquí tenéis una serie de errores que soléis cometer cuando redactáis los textos de Selectividad. También os vendrá bien para practicar el Use of English, porque, a veces, te piden que arregles una oración que está mal escrita, o cosas así.
Intentad arreglar las frases sin mirar la solución. Al principio mirad cuántos errores tiene (lo pone en el siguiente renglón, además, en algunos casos, también indicará qué tipo de error, gramatical, de orden, de ortografía, etc.), buscad los errores. Si veis que no podéis solucionarlo, entonces, y sólo entonces, mirad la solución. Quiero que estéis muy pendientes de todo, ¿ok? En las primeras oraciones he puesto también la traducción directa, pero luego sois vosotros los que traduciréis y veréis el sentido de la frase para corregirla.
Otra cosita: los errores que aparecen y las correcciones hechas están escritas en British English. Eso significa que si en algún momento hay algún error en American English, éste será tratado y corregido como tal, por supuesto se os avisará que la oración está en American English, por si no os habíais dado cuenta. Las correcciones no las he subido todavía, voy a ser un poco mala. Os dejo tiempo para trabajar y dentro de unos días tendréis aquí todos los resultados
OK, pues empezamos: So let’s start!
  1. Is there any tomatoe’s sopa today? (¿Hay sopa de tomate hoy?) 2 mistakes: grammar (G), vocabulary (V)
  2. There aren’t any orange in the fridge. (No hay naranjas en el frigorífico) 1 mistake: grammar (G)
  3. There isn’t any water, but there is any coffee. (No hay agua, pero hay café) 1 mistake: grammar (G)
  4. Is there te? Yes. (¿Hay té? Sí.) 4 mistakes:2 grammar (G), vocabulary (V), omission
  5. There are ice-cream in the fridge? (¿Hay helado en el frigorífico?) 3 mistakes: word order (W.O.), grammar (G), grammar (G)
  6. There are limons in the kitchen. (Hay limones en la cocina.) 2 mistakes: vocabulary (V), grammar (G)
  7. There are books in the table. (Hay libros en la mesa.) 2 mistakes: grammar (G)
  8. Are there apple’s cake. (¿Quedan tarta de manzana?) 4 mistakes: grammar (G), gramar (G), gramar (G), vocabulary (V)
  9. My father born in 1950. 1 mistake: grammar (G)
  10. Look! It’ll rain. 1 mistake: grammar (G)
  11. Everyday, he gets up early. 1 mistake: grammar (G)
  12. The weather is unstable here. 1 mistake: grammar (G)
  13. This is a scene describing a natural disaster. 1 mistake: verb mistaken
  14. He was wearing a long pants. 1 mistake: grammar (G)
  15. They seems to be happy. 1 mistake: grammar (G)
  16.  I would do something indoor.
  17.  I stayed in the washroom for 30 minutes. Hopefully my body will be dry by then.
  18. There were eyes looking at me.
  19.  ... to switch the fan to a higher volume.
  20. From time to time loud crushes ...
  21. I could see the asian house.
  22. I saw a human feature.
  23. ... intent on getting there revenge.
  24. We changed into different clothings.
  25. I agree to the statement that she made. 1 mistake: grammar (G)
  26. I came down the bus.
  27. We were chit chatting.
  28. There were a lot people.
  29. Although it is late, but I will still come.
  30. I was awaiting my results.
  31. The reporter was biased towards him, and was always criticising him.
  32. He complained about the biasness of the reporter.
  33. I will bring you there. 1 mistake: grammar (G)
  34. He was of medium built. 1 mistake: grammar (G)
  35. They were China-made.
  36. He ran pasted me. 1 mistake: grammar (G)
  37. Your essay is out of point.
  38. What time do you reach home?
  39. ... for her family members.
  40. ... with my fellow schoolmates.
  41. Her mother is going to fetch her from school.
  42. She was filial.
  43. We arranged the furnitures.
  44. I had to collect the equipments.
  45. There were three evidences.
  46. She suffers from gastric.
  47. He gave away the prizes.
  48. Let's go for a show. 1 mistake: grammar (G)
  49. We tried to go up the bus.
  50. We went up the stage.
  51. When I phoned her, they said that she had gone back already.
  52. They talked about the going-ons.
  53.   Hand up your homework.
  54. She was having a fever.
  55. Please help me to switch on the light. 1 mistake: grammar (G)
  56. He was horning at me.
  57. We tried to cope up with the problem.
  58. I was considered as a real angel.
  59. He was always dependant.
  60. His standard has deproved.
  61. Irregardless of what has happened ...
  62. My mother disallowed me from going out.
  63. Her dressing was very attractive.
  64. I dressed up in my school uniform.
  65. I want to emphasise on this point.
  66. ... even-thought she was French.
  67. I have ever seen this before. 1 mistake: grammar (G)
  68. She had never being to Paris.
  69. He was always demanding for help.
  70. They look forward to provide a friendly service .. 1 mistake: grammar (G)

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